Friday, June 27, 2008

Welcome To The Watermelon Patch

Welcome to The Watermelon Patch! I decided to jump on the blog bandwagon and start one. Like I have such an interesting life that anyone would want to read about it!...but oh well! LOL!!! One of my favorite things to eat is a good sweet piece of watermelon from the watermelon patch on a hot summer day! So that is where I came up with the name for my blog.

My name is Amy and I am a SAHM Mommy to my favorite little girl in the world - Abby, whom i'll be referring to as Butter....yep....that is her nickname! Bet you're wondering how she got a nickname like that, huh? Well she of course sleeps in the bed with dh & I. She sleeps right up under me. If I move, she moves. So like the Parkay commerical on tv that says "Moveeee overrrr Butterrrr", that is what I always say to her during the night so I can roll over or have room to move my arm. So Butter has just stuck with her and that is what I call her.

I like to sew sometimes when the mood hits me. I use to make clothes and sell them on ebay, but not much anymore. With all of ebays new rules, the sellers have no protection from dishonest buyers. So I have taken a break from listing things on ebay now. I might start listing stuff on etsy sometime in the future. That is where most of the ebay clothing sellers have gone to start selling their handmade items.

I love to take pictures! I am taking a class right now and hopefully it will be helping my pictures improve. I am in the process of starting a blog for my photography. I will post the link on here once I get it all set up so everyone can check out my pictures that I post on there.

And of course I love spending time with Butter! She is so fun and has such an imagination (well she did until Uncle Pumpkin stole it and lost it......that is what she says anyway ;) .....she blames everything on him....even the stuff he doesn't do). She keeps me busy and entertained, that is for sure.

And oh yeah! I can't forget Myspace. I love to surf Myspace and see what is going on with everybody.